This is a place where NAHA members and prospective members can come to learn about what's happening in our organization. As members, it is also YOUR blog, where you can share your ideas and experiences in regards to Aromatherapy.
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1990, at a time when Aromatherapy was very new in the US. You can read more about the history of NAHA here:
Over the past 18 years, NAHA has accomplished much in the advancement of true Aromatherapy, due entirely to dedicated volunteers who have a passion for Aromatherapy and educating the public on the safe and effective use of essential oils. NAHA is currently the largest professional organization for Aromatherapists in the United States, and the current Board and Directors are committed to creating a dynamic professional community amongst our members.
The blogs at the right belong to our members and Directors; please explore these blogs to learn more about Aromatherapy and what NAHA members are doing. If you are a NAHA member and would like your blog added, please contact us.
I think this is great! I am currently a student massage therapist and wish to follow through with aromatherapy. I am in Manassas, VA and would like to know of approved schools that teach aromatherapy. any suggestions?
I'm looking for a suggestion for essential oils that would be good for tension headaches. And perhaps a few that I should stay away from. Thank you!
I can't wait to read all the great posts you will have on the blog. Great idea!
The recent on-line NAHA journal is beautiful! Good job! Thanks to the NAHA Board and directors! Lucy S
I am looking for the best aromatherapy to help create a peaceful place. I am with an organization called Friends Of the River and we have a realitively new community center building that has been restored to a very servicable building. However when it is used there is always negative energy in the room. Is there a scent that I can use during meeting to help create peace?
This blog looks very useful - I have bookmarked it so that I don't miss any posts.
Question for all: what constitutes food grade for essential oils? Is an oil food grade if it's USDA Organic? If it's not USDA organic, how can we be sure it's food grade?
Thanks for your input.
Carol Walter
Solace Essentials
Essential Oil Nourishment for Body and Soul
Hello, Long-time NAHA member here.
What hydrosols would you suggest for use with pregnant women and children?
Thanks for providing more ideas on aromatherapy with safe and effective use of essential oils. I love to use products with aromatherapy. This blog is great help for me.
Great to see that there will be a new blog. Thanks!
Very nice article. Thanks for the great tips!
Alexandra visit the NAHA website at and click on the NAHA Approved Schools link. Many of the schools listed also offer homestudy programs.
Smiles2 please submit your aromatherapy questions via the NAHA Online Feeback Form that is posted on the NAHA website. This form will be sent to the NAHA Directors and Safety Committee for responses to your question. online feedback form is available via the Contact NAHA weblink.
Thank you
Anonymus seeking info. on peaceful environment, please use the NAHA Online Feedback Form to submit your essential oil question/s.
You can find the form at and click on the CONTACT NAHA link.
Your inquiry will be sent to the NAHA Directors for feedback/suggestions etc.
Hello Fire and Water,
Please visit the NAHA website and click on the FAQ link, this will bring you to an informational section which contains info. on essential oil 'grades'.
Hello Aroma-therapeutics,
Please submit your question via the NAHA Online Feedback Form which can be found at via the CONTACT NAHA link. Your inquiry will sent to the NAHA Directors and Safety Committee for their feedback and suggestions to your question/s.
I very recently became a certified clinical aromatherapist thru ISHA. I live in northern Maine. I would like to network. If I join your organization would you share my email with other people with similar interests. Or how does it work. thank you for consideration of this matter. Marcia Walden
Looks great! And had no idea Frankincense was in the list of endangered material sources for essential oils ~ such an important plant!
I have been an holistic therapist for over 10 years and I love using essential oils in many different ways.
Some of the ways are around the house as air freshners, in cooking and for medicinal purposes.
I couldn't imagine my life without them and like many of you I also love helping others to feel well.
Aromatherapy is not only wonderfully relaxing, but a widely under-appreciated therapy. Keep up the good work.
Although the use of aromotherapy has been around for thousands of years. It has now found a new lease of life. More and more people are understanding the benefits in this stressful world that we all share.
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